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EDI Partners with BondView to Provide Reference Data for Municipal Bonds

London, May 19, 2022 – Exchange Data International (EDI), one of the foremost providers of security corporate actions, pricing and reference data services, today announced a partnership with BondView, the leading provider of municipal bond portfolio analysis and market data, to offer Municipal Bond Reference Data Service (RDS).

The Municipal Bond Reference Data Service offers comprehensive, high-quality reference data on over 1.5 million active U.S. Municipal Bond issues from over 50,000 different issuers.

BondView’s data can be supplied in different formats:

  • Viewable web search app
  • API, Online platform, Amazon S3, SFTP
  • Searchable via industry-standard identifiers: ISIN, FIGI

There is no need to maintain and update an expensive database as the service allows for easy consolidation of municipal bond data into user applications. The data sets include; Bond Descriptive Data, Bond in Funds Data, and Advanced Derived Data.

Jonathan Bloch, CEO at EDIJonathan Bloch, the EDI CEO, says: “The partnership between BondView and EDI is a win for the global financial community. With access to BondView’s RDS, investors can quickly, easily and cost-effectively incorporate their muni data into a diverse range of user applications to make informed decisions that maximize their ROI.”
Robert Kane, CEO at BondView, Municipal Bond ProviderRobert Kane, CEO of BondView, says: “BondView’s partnership with EDI is all about leveling the playing field and making municipal bond data more accessible. In a way, BondView and EDI are democratizing the municipal bond market and paving the way to make smarter investments by giving financial advisors and investors access to accurate, understandable data analysis tools.”

Please visit the product page or contact our team via info@exchange-data.com if you have any questions.


About BondView

BondView is the world’s leading municipal bond site, offering tools and data used daily by both top 10 financial institutions and retail investors. Designed by long-time individual muni bond investors, BondView was designed to provide high-level monitoring and quantitative analysis of your whole bond portfolio, no matter where it’s housed. By turning raw data into actionable insights, BondView provides investors with a top-down view of their bond and empowers them to make informed decisions that strengthen their portfolio and performance. For more information, please contact us at support@bondview.com.

About Exchange Data International

Exchange Data International (EDI) helps the global financial and investment community make informed decisions through the provision of fast, accurate, timely and affordable data reference services. EDI’s extensive content database includes worldwide equity and fixed income corporate actions, dividends, static reference data, closing prices and shares outstanding, delivered via data feeds or the Internet. The firm covers all major markets and has recently expanded its data coverage to include Economic Data.

EDI’s professional sales, support, and data/research teams deliver the lowest cost of ownership whilst at the same time being the most responsive to client requests. EDI has achieved internationally recognized quality and security certifications ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

Headquartered in the United Kingdom, we have staff in Canada, Germany, India, Morocco, South Africa and the United States.