China Futures Guide


High-Quality Intraday Transaction Futures Data from ChinaTickData


ChinaTickData offers comprehensive datasets featuring high-quality intraday transaction data for all securities listed on the Chinese Futures Exchanges. Our tick data is specifically designed to support quantitative trading, backtesting, machine learning, and other advanced applications.

Note: For Chinese futures, tick data is captured as two snapshots per second.

Snapshot Prices

All trades occurring between snapshots contribute to the changes in volume, reflected in both RMB amounts and contracts traded. Even if there are no changes from the most recent snapshot, a new snapshot will still be recorded, with the only update being the timestamp.

Timestamps for China Futures

All timestamps are provided in China Standard Time (CST).

Important: Excel automatically attempts to convert millisecond timestamps into its time format, which can lead to errors. Please ensure you convert the millisecond timestamps to text when importing.

Data Delivery

Delivery options


Delivery format

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are empty or single-record files created for holiday dates in the dataset, which is structured around 260 dates per year, including holidays?

We are unable to find a consistent supplier for Exchange Holidays in China. Therefore, our data collection is based on exchange rules for the lifecycle of newly listed symbols (future contracts). These rules do not account for exchange holidays, resulting in a folder being created for each day, regardless of whether it is a holiday.


Why do some records have timestamps that differ only by microseconds, such as [2016-01-12 15:14:59.500010, 2016-01-12 15:14:59.500020]?

The microsecond differences represent new data points sent from the exchange during non-standardized times. For instance, if we have already received data at 11:28:59.800000, the next expected data point should be 11:29:00.300000. However, if new data points arrive between these times, they will be tagged with the timestamp of 11:28:59.800001. It’s important to note that the numbering (e.g., 00001) is not specific to products but follows exchange-specific rules and timing. For example, if two products from the exchange receive non-standardized time data points, the data points will be tagged accordingly based on the timing of their arrival.


Why is there inconsistency in the starting and ending intraday records in files?

These data points are transmitted from exchanges, often marking the start of their server operations or internal tests. The inconsistencies arise from the exchange’s operational procedures and testing protocols, which we cannot control; we simply receive and store the data as it is provided.


Why does the guide mention that the session starts at 09:30, while many data files contain records from before that time?

The exchange server typically begins transmitting data before 09:30. We record all transmissions from the exchange, including those during non-trading hours.



Data Organisations and File Format

ChinaTickData provides market data in plain-text CSV files. The first row of the CSV file is a fixed header, and then rows of data corresponding to individual events. By default, data is organized into one file per symbol per trading day. For example, all events for ticker TF2401 on Jan 28, 2024, are stored in one CSV file.

Due to the large data size, CSV files are gzip-compressed (having a csv.gz extension) with a compression ratio of about 8:1.

Table 1 below provides the name, base event, default value, brief description, and data type for each data field (column) in the Chinese Tick data CSV file. Table column “Missing” indicates a default behavior in case the data field value is not present or cannot be calculated. The column value “Never” means that the data field value is always present.

Field Type (Format) Missing Description
Ticker String Never Symbol name for a specific contract
None China Financial Futures Exchanges Contract(CFFEX)
[Exchange].[Contract Symbol][Last Two Digits of Expiration Year][Month of Expiration]

China Financial Futures Exchange Contracts
[Exchange].[Contract Symbol][Last Digits of Expiration Year][Month of Expiration]
Datetime String (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:fff) Never Local date and time in China Standard Time including daylight saving
time changes
LastPrice decimal Blank Price of the last trade
AveragePrice decimal Blank Average Traded Price for the entire trading day
Volume integer Blank Accumulated Trade Volume for the trading day
TotalAmount integer Blank Accumulated Trade Amount in RMB for the trading day
OpenInterest integer Never Number of Open Interest of the Contract at the time of snapshot
BidPrice1 decimal Blank Highest Bid Price at the time of snapshot
BidVolume1 0 0 Number of contracts at the highest bid price at the time of snapshot
AskPrice1 decimal Blank Lowest Ask Price at the time of snapshot
AskVolume1 integer 0 Number of contracts at the lowest ask price at the time of snapshot