UK Dividends



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Get a complete overview of UK dividend payments & schedules

Meet clients’ expectations with timely, complete and accurate UK dividend data.

Use our UK dividends data feed to obtain up-to-date and detailed information on all new dividend announcements as well as updates made to existing records.

Data elements include:

  • Cash & stock dividends record, pay and ex dates
  • Dividend gross & net amounts
  • Certificates of dispatch and Crest credit dates
  • Stamp duty and commission percentages

Data is sourced, processed and input by a dedicated London team. This means you will benefit from the most up-to-date dividend announcements together with updates made to existing records.

Subscribe to daily DRIPS email alerts

Take advantage of two daily feeds comprising:

  • All new DRIPS announcements
  • Updates on re-investment prices

Data Delivery

Delivery options


Delivery format


Choose to receive UK dividends data:

  • 4 times a day or end-of-day, via a feed
  • via user-friendly online platform

Those accessing UK dividend information via the online platform can quickly retrieve dividend information based on the ex, record and/or pay date and create new dividends reports.

Have tax credit figures automatically calculated for any UK listed securities

Data items include gross & net dividend rates, ex dividend dates and payable dates and many more.

Search for individual security dividend information or retrieve a financial year’s worth of UK dividend data.