Exchange Data International

Exchange Data International Announces the New Worldwide Cost-Basis Service

Exchange Data International (EDI), a provider of global security corporate actions, reference data and end-of-day pricing, are pleased to announce today the new Worldwide Cost-Basis service (WCB).

London, 11 January 2017 – EDI’s new WCB service has been designed to enable users to track both a security’s cost basis, its evolution and all its descendant’s cost basis & evolution up to the current date. This service includes all events that affect cost basis and the number of units. The WCB information is delivered via FTP, either via exchange or on a portfolio basis.

The following is a full list of events are covered by the WCB service:

Bonus Capital Reduction De-Merger Dividend
Merger Rights Security Swap Takeover
Capital Call Consolidation Distribution DRIP
Return of Capital Rights (Transient) Subdivision

Jonathan Bloch, CEO of Exchange Data International said “EDI has been developing a series of analytical products based on our core data sets of security reference and corporate actions data. We are now pleased to launch Worldwide Cost Basis which will serve as a foundation for any capital gains calculations in any jurisdiction. Without this information, any capital gains tax calculation would be inaccurate as the security could have changed since its purchase”.

About Exchange Data International: Exchange Data International helps the global financial and investment community make informed decisions through the provision of fast, accurate, timely and affordable data reference services. EDI’s extensive content database includes worldwide equity and fixed income corporate actions, dividends, static reference data, closing prices and shares outstanding, delivered via data feeds and the Internet. The firm covers all major markets with special emphasis on emerging and frontier markets e.g. Africa, Asia, Far East, Latin America and Middle East. EDI is based in London, with offices in New York, India and Morocco.

For more information about EDI, please visit