Exchange Data International

Exchange Data International Enhances Securities Reference Data Services with Inclusion of GICS®

EDI’s Security Reference File Service Now Enhanced with GICS®.

London, December 8th 2014  –  Data reference service specialist Exchange Data International (EDI) today announced it has enhanced its securities reference data offering with the addition of Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS®).

With a combination of securities reference data and GICS®, EDI’s clients are now able to classify securities by industry sector so that they can better:

  • Design and carry out portfolio strategies.
  • Evaluate industries and define regional and global trends.
  • Identify high-potential niches.

And above all make informed decisions.

GICS® was developed jointly between S&P Dow Jones Indices and MSCI.

It is widely accepted among investment researchers, portfolio and asset managers as one of the most commonly used industry classifications in the world.

The methodology behind GICS® enables sector based investing by providing transparency and efficiency to the investment process.

EDI CEO Jonathan Bloch says: “The combination of securities reference data and GICS® provides our clients with the universal, reliable and comprehensive information they need to capture and assess the impact of global, regional and local industry portfolio trends. Furthermore our flexible pricing methodology ensures the lowest on-going costs among all data providers.”

GICS® is comprised of more than 43,000 companies and over 51,000 securities across 127 markets globally. GICS® are regularly maintained to reflect the current state of industries in global investment markets.

EDI’s clients can receive GICS® via FTP for a one-time data feed, in XML format. Daily updates follow. GICS® feeds include security identification information such as Sedol, ISIN and TIDM. Also static data fields including issuer name, security description and country of incorporation.

For more information about direct GICS® feeds from EDI please visit:

About GICS®
In 1999, S&P Dow Jones Indices and MSCI jointly developed the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) to establish a global standard for categorizing companies into sectors and industries. GICS was developed in response to the global financial community’s need for one complete, consistent set of global sector and industry definitions, thereby enabling asset owners, asset managers and investment research specialists to make seamless company, sector and industry comparisons across countries, regions, and globally.

The GICS classification system currently consists of 10 sectors, 24 industry groups, 67 industries and 156 sub-industries. Over 43,000 active, publicly traded companies globally are currently classified and maintained by S&P Dow Jones Indices and MSCI according to the GICS methodology.

GICS is the exclusive property of S&P Dow Jones Indices and MSCI. GICS is a trademark of S&P Dow Jones Indices and MSCI. GICS Direct is a service mark of S&P Capital IQ and MSCI.

For more information on GICS, visit