Exchange Data International

Seasons’s Greetings and Latest News From Exchange Data International

Newsletter December 2019

The Year in Review from EDI and A Look Ahead

As we draw near to the end of the calendar year and move into a new year, we would like to share our year in review with a look at what is on the horizon for 2019. Amidst the recent developments in standardisation and regulation impacting the data reference and financial sector, we have been busy developing new partnerships and efficiently bringing positive change and greater efficiency to financial markets, providing our clients with high quality and accurate data solutions, winning awards, and attending relevant conferences in order to stay on top of all the latest conversations and trends around reference data and multiple data solutions that matter to you.

Announcing EDI Ventures

Exchange Data International (EDI), a premier provider of financial reference data, can assist you in getting your Fintech or Data business to the next level. Jonathan Bloch, CEO of EDI wrote: “EDI Ventures has successfully enrolled early stage entrepreneurial Fintech companies in the programme. Our partners are already seeing the rewards and productively signing up subscribers to their services.” If you are interested in an EDI Venture Partnership, please contact CEO Jonathan Bloch at:

A Few of Our Latest New Products

US Mutual Funds  The US Mutual product offers the highest quality reference data, comprehensive corporate actions and dividends data plus a daily pricing feed and for US Mutual funds. Coverage includes over 28,000 Mutual Funds, 18,000 Unit Investment Trust (UITs) and 134 Interval Funds for the US market. To find out more, contact us. Derivatives Data – Option Analytics Service The Options Analytics Service uses daily updates and historical data to provide end-of-day analytics and reference data for US and international exchange-listed options on equities, exchanged traded funds (ETFs), equity indexes and futures. Coverage includes over 10 million option and future contracts, 10,000 issuers, pricing for US and international exchange-listed equities, ETFs and index and futures options. To find out more, contact us. Evaluated Pricing  The Worldwide Evaluated Pricing Service provides clients with a daily source of independent prices for valuations, portfolio analytics, best execution reporting, and risk management calculations. The Evaluated Pricing Service provides prices on a wide range of fixed income securities, including: Corporate Bonds, Municipal Bonds, Syndicated Bank Loans, Agency MBS, Non-Agency CMO, CMBS, ABS, and CLO. To find out more, contact us. Please get in touch and let us know what product(s) most interest you and what you’d like to trial.

EDI Wins ‘Best Corporate Actions Data Providers’ Award from DM

EDI captured the award for the ‘Best Corporate Actions Data Provider‘ 2018 at the recent Data Management Awards in London. Angela Wilbraham, CEO of A-Team Group, which hosts the Data Management Awards said: “We’re pleased that our readership of 15,000 senior data management executives clearly rated Exchange Data International as the Best Corporate Actions Data Provider and congratulate them on their prestigious Data Management Award win.” Read the full Press Release here. To learn more about our Corporate Actions Data Trials or to speak to one of our team members about the products we have for North America, the UK and Global/Worldwide data please get in touch.

What’s on the Horizon for 2019

It is going to be an exciting first quarter of 2019 with our Sales Team in attendance at many featured financial events around the globe.

January 31st, EDI’s Maria Scappaticci will be at the FISD AMSTERDAM. Please get in touch with Maria if you’d like to connect at the event. On February 27th, EDI’s Idil Ozkan and Andrew Sabourin will be in London for the FISD Technology Forum of SIIA. Please get in touch with Idil or Andrew if you’d like to connect with them at the event. March 21st, our Sales Team will be attending the Data Management Summit – Moving to the New World of Data – in London. We will be exploring the exciting world of AI, ML and Blockchain, and the related impact of these new technologies on how data is managed. Our U.S. and London teams are exhibiting at the Financial Information Management 2019 (FIMA) in Boston. From the 1st to the 3rd of April we will be participating in the dialogue about new ideas to revise data strategies; from improving data quality to innovating with data to deliver value to the business. This will be an exciting event and we hope to see many of you there! Get in touch with our US team Michael Hyland and Nora Cervara if you’d like to catch up at the event or sooner. With such a great year under our belt, all of us at Exchange Data International look forward to 2019 and assisting our clients in new ways. Wishing you and your teams and families all the best for the new year. Best regards, The Team at EDI (Exchange Data International)

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