Code of conduct
Information Publishing Limited (IPL) was established in 1993 as an investment holding company. Current holdings include:
- Exchange Data International Limited
- Share Data Limited
- Capital Track Limited
- FinData Portal Incorporated
- Financial Information Incorporated
- FTS Software Incorporated
- Securities Quote Xchange Incorporated
This Code applies to all relationships that provide or receive products or services to IPL and associated companies.
The IPL Business Code of Conduct aims to provide structure and guidance to ensure companies are aligned and following the laws of multiple jurisdictions which IPL company investments operate in at the highest standards of integrity. This Business Code of Conduct is a reference to the professional and ethical standards that IPL expects of all its relationships.
It is also a commitment to the markets we are operating in to conduct our business relationships with the highest level of professionalism, ethics, and integrity.
The Business Code of Conduct cannot address or provide a rule for all situations. IPL expects those we work with to operate and exercise the highest quality of judgment in their professional capacity.
Our main principles can be summarized as followed:
- We endeavour to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace that respects individuals and is non-discriminatory.
- We comply with applicable laws that govern our operations across the world.
- We compete aggressively and earn our clients’ respect by providing outstanding service and products to our clients and their customers, and by honestly representing our products, services, and people.
General Compliance
Those that we do business with are committed to making all reasonable efforts to enforce the laws and regulations that apply to their supply chain and especially to guarantee full compliance with the labour regulations governing their business, production process and supply chain, particularly concerning aspects that are not related to discrimination and fair working conditions.
Respect the ethical codes and best practices of the industry to which their services belong.
- In general, always operate in an ethical, transparent, accountable manner, respectful according to best standards of integrity and ethical conduct.
In return, we make our business decisions on the merit of business cases and value, not on a personal or family influence or otherwise.
- We safeguard propriety information.
We follow financial reporting procedures and data privacy law as appropriate. We notify the appropriate bodies or institutions if we observe or learn of unethical business or illegal conduct.
Respect for Human Rights
We have a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery or human trafficking. We expect our suppliers to be committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in all business dealings. As an organization, we are also committed to creating effective systems and controls to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain and expect our suppliers and business partners to adopt the same level of standards and integrity.
This includes promoting a non-discriminatory workplace where all can progress and develop safe and free from discrimination based on race, religion, colour, creed, national origin, age, gender, disability, veteran status, or other unlawful elements. In addition, we expect our suppliers to embrace strict respect for human rights and to commit to equal treatment and opportunities within their organisations.
Suppliers must protect children from dangerous or exploitative working conditions.
We want to ensure that our suppliers will always take complaints seriously and will investigate thoroughly:
Our organization does not tolerate any harassment or sexual advances in people’s employment, and conversely.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Our organization respects people’s identities, names, and pronouns in the countries we operate.
Religious or Belief Discrimination
Our organization does not treat a person less favourably than others because of their religion or belief.
Workplace safety and practices
It is in everyone’s interest to have a safe and healthy workplace. Our organisation is committed to this goal and expects to share in this responsibility by acting safely and reporting any dangerous situations or conditions, hazards, or workplace accidents as appropriate to the relevant local body in place or professional body.
Workplace hazards and behaviour
Our organisation complies with all applicable laws in each and every jurisdiction and regulation that apply across our worldwide operations.
We provide information about generally recognised workplace hazards and have health and safety committees and advisory bodies in place as appropriate.
We provide training and information on health and safety related procedures for handling serious incidents and disasters that may affect workplace safety.
We forbid conduct that creates an unsafe work environment.
Non-discrimination: Suppliers must not support nor engage in discrimination in recruitment, remuneration, access to training, promotion, firing, or retirement based on race, social or national origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibility, marital status, union membership, political opinions, age, or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination. They must treat all their employees with dignity and respect. They must not practice nor tolerate corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal attacks on employees. Severe or inhumane treatment is not allowed.
Working practices
Working hours: We expect full compliance from our suppliers with relevant and applicable laws and industry regulations on working hours and holidays. The average working week, not including overtime, must respect the provisions established in the country’s legislation where suppliers carry out their activity and, where appropriate, in the applicable bargaining agreement or industry agreement.
Remuneration: Suppliers must abide by the minimum wage regulations when they exist and ensure that wages paid for an average working week always meet at least the legal or industry standards.
Slavery and Human Trafficking
As a supplier, you have a clear responsibility to support and uphold the basic human rights principles, which form the foundations for freedom and justice. This means to comply with but not exclusively to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom.
We recognize the importance of valuing each person as an individual and respect the differences in each person's character and personality, based on a fundamental respect for human rights; we are demanding the same level of commitment and care from our suppliers, who must share our core values.
As a supplier, you will be expected to respond promptly to any acts infringing upon the fundamental human rights of employees or stakeholders. Accordingly, you will take all such actions to ensure the termination of such infringement.
Health and safety
A commitment to Health and safety is paramount to providing a safe workplace where all employees, business partners and subcontractors may perform their duties creatively and efficiently in a safe and comfortable working environment.
Suppliers must apply appropriate policies and procedures related to health and safety in the work environment. They must provide adequate training on health and safety to their employees and staff working on their behalf or under their instructions. The causes of hazards inherent to the work environment should be managed and removed. If they cannot be entirely removed, they should be evaluated, and preventive measures must be taken to minimize exposure to the risk of accidents.
Information security
All suppliers must understand their obligations of confidentiality, data privacy and respect of contractual obligations, which may prohibit them from sharing certain information internally or externally.
A framework for strong corporate governance must be in place with regular reviews and stakeholders enabling suppliers to always guarantee the integrity of all data and business-related information in their possession, including the implementation of a robust business continuity plan and disaster recovery procedure to satisfy business requirements in time of crisis.
Please note: Exchange Data International Limited (EDI) first obtained the recognized ISO 27001 certification on the 9th of September 2020 and updates its certification annually. Please refer to EDI’s Third Party Management Policy for more details.
Environmental Practices
All suppliers must allow time and space to promote essential environmental practices in the workplace that cover the following provisions to avoid and/or reduce carbon emission or discharge of any pollutant or residue, to reduce adverse environmental impacts.
- Promote and implement:
- best practices
- techniques
- materials
- products
- services
- energy
Monitoring and compliance
Our reputation is precious, and your behaviour as a supplier will affect or enhance how our organisation is perceived and remembered by clients, customers, end users, and other suppliers. This means that you must consider the impact of your behaviour and motivation. In addition, a robust process of monitoring and compliance reviews must be evidenced so that we can be certain that, as a supplier, you are monitoring and reviewing your processes and procedures to ensure proper governance is in place.
All IPL Companies comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and follow the best practices and rules designed specifically for their sectors. We expect suppliers to likewise comply with GDPR standards.