Exchange Traded Derivatives Corporate Actions



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Efficiently keep track of corporate actions affecting derivative contracts

Subscribe to our derivative reference data file to efficiently identify any specific exchange traded derivative contracts and select data from more than 30 fields including:

  • Root Code
  • ISIN
  • Aii
  • OSI Symbol
  • Security Description
  • Underlying Instrument Details
  • Contract Size
  • Exercise Style

Obtain fast access to accurate closing pricing data

Choose to receive exchange traded derivative end-of-day pricing by exchange, portfolio or on a global basis. Data elements include open, high, low, close, open interest, Number of trades and volume traded.

Receive detailed information on Corporate Actions affecting future and option contracts

DerivActions provides Exchange Adjustment Notices data in a standartised format with link to the original Exchange Notice.

In addition, DerivActions generates 2 feeds, triggered by corporate actions on the underlying security:

  • Corporate Action Alert Feed – List of all issuers with instruments linked to the affected underlying
  • Derivative Series & Trading Lines – List of all the derivative instruments linked to impacted equity.

Data Delivery

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Amazon S3

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Subscribe to the full universe or customise the feed at an exchange level, root codes or specific underlying trading lines.
